Bomet, in a bold move to combat climate change, promote sustainable agriculture, and empower local communities, has distributed over 55,000 mango and avocado seedlings across the county.
Implemented by the department of Water, Sanitation, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, the World Bank funded programme through National Treasury and County Government under Financing Locally-Led Climate Action, (FLLoCA), seeks to distribute upto 22,720 mango and 32,640 avocado seedlings to farmers in Chepalungu, Sotik, Bomet East and Bomet Central Sub-counties.
Governor Prof Hillary Barchok while flagging off the distribution and planting of the seedlings, to registered Community Based Organizations, said the introduction of mango and avocado trees into farming systems promotes diversity, which is essential for building resilience against climate change in the region.
“To ensure that this venture succeeds, my administration will deploy enough extension officers to offer the necessary technical support to our farmers for them to maximize production, even as they conserve the environment”, said Governor Barchok.
Registered Community Based Organizations, in Sotik sub-county and upper sides of Bomet East sub-county received avocado seedlings while Chepalungu and lower zones of Bomet East were issued with mango seedlings.
“Based on the varying ecological patterns and climatic conditions, the upper region of the county will receive avocado seedling while the lower parts will receive mango seedlings that could sustain the growth of the trees as adviced by agricultural officers,” Governor Barchok noted.
Kipisaronik Self Help Group in Kipreres ward in Bomet East sub-county received 3,900 mango seedlings. In Chepalungu sub-county New Light Women Group (Kongasis) got 3,400, Chesoton Ogilge Self Help Groups (Chebunyo) – 3,520, Kabisimba Horticultural and Dairy Farmers (Siongiroi) – 4,460, Kinyogi T Light (Sigor) – 3,680 and Olesoi Group B Widows CBO (Nyongores) received 3,760 mango seedlings each.
Among the groups who received avocado seedlings include; Chebongi CBO in Chemagel ward who received 5,200 seedlings, Roma Agro Dairy Group (Rongena/Manaret) – 4,200, Cherogoren CBO (Ndana/Abosi) – 4,620 and Keneni CBO in Kipsonoi ward were issued with 4,620 seedlings. All in Sotik Sub-County.
In Bomet East, Green Pentagon CBO (Kembu)- 3,940, Chemaner Agro-Farmers Coperative Society Ltd (Chemaner) – 4,040 and Kimugul Community Empowerment – 3,640 in Longisa ward received avocado seedlings.
Beyond the environmental and economic benefits, the project aims to empower local communities foster sustainable livelihoods by involving them in the entire process thus promoting ownership and ensures long-term sustainability of the project.